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Headaches After Playing

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#1 Steelnation248


Posted 01 January 2013 - 07:48 PM

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone gets headaches after playing? I usually get a small headache after playing but tonight I got a pretty bad one after playing some pond hockey. I got an Ocular Migraine, which distorted my vision for awhile. It went away after a little bit but it's definitely annoying. I don't know if it had to do with the colder temperature from the playing on the pond vs the rink or anything. Does anyone else get these? If so, is there any way to get prepare for them so they don't happen?

#2 OutcastFalcon

  • LocationTulsa, OK

Posted 01 January 2013 - 07:51 PM

I get them and for me its residual damage from two concussions one of which was severe. What brings it on for me at least is dehydration. Just stay hydrated should help. Or it does for me.

#3 Steelnation248


Posted 01 January 2013 - 07:56 PM

I've never had a concussion but I do have some eye problems. I'm not sure if they have any effect on me that would cause them though.

I will definitely try the hydration thing though. I didn't have barely any water when playing tonight. I forgot to grab a water bottle when I went out to play. Thanks for the advice!

#4 OutcastFalcon

  • LocationTulsa, OK

Posted 01 January 2013 - 07:59 PM

Anytime man. I've learned that I need on average 1 2/3 bottles of water a game.(Gatorade green/orange cap bottles).
I'm pretty sure that was it as you were low on hydration.

#5 HolyRollie

  • LocationBoston, MA

Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:35 PM

I've had that happen a bunch. Usually the hydration issue mentioned already. I also had a concussion back in high school, but that doesn't seem to have any effect during or after play (in non-contact league).

Not hockey related: I also get awful headaches from eye strain randomly. If I don't have my glasses with me then I'm in for a brutal headache.

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#6 Purelife

  • LocationToronto

Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:51 PM

Sounds to me like dehydration..
I've gotten them a few times when i didn't hydrate proper.

#7 pdub

  • LocationBrantford, Ontario

Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:11 PM

Ive been getting them recently as well and for me its because I have not had enough to eat believe it or not. Physical activity without getting enough food

#8 Mincy

  • LocationGreensboro, NC

Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:20 PM

Not sure if you wear a helmet when playing pond hockey but some helmets have odd pressure points that can cause headaches even if its not too tight.

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#9 Steelnation248


Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:43 PM

Definitely will make sure I'm staying hydrated when skating. I think the fact that I forgot any water at all tonight may be why it was worse than usual.

Ive been getting them recently as well and for me its because I have not had enough to eat believe it or not. Physical activity without getting enough food

I have definitely played hungry before. I could see why that would have an effect too. If I'm skating with friends, we usually grab some food after. Probably should try to grab something small before instead of just waiting until after.

Not sure if you wear a helmet when playing pond hockey but some helmets have odd pressure points that can cause headaches even if its not too tight.

No helmet on the pond and I don't notice any hot spots while skating at the rink. I will see if there's any spots I notice that are like you described though with them not being too tight but still there. It makes sense.

#10 thinkingjack

  • LocationTempe, AZ

Posted 15 January 2013 - 09:50 AM

This is dehydration, your brain loses water while your body is pulling its water from anywhere to stay hydrated, any little break you get or two minutes and go get a swig or two of water. Thats why hungover people have headaches, same dilemma. I usually drink one or two bottles per game and a smaller bottle after the game on the way home.

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#11 JoeyJ0506

  • LocationPittsburgh, PA

Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:21 AM

Could be a combination of dehydration and the way light reflects off ice into your eyes. #1 reason I need to wear a tinted visor... keeps the migraines away.

#12 wrlittle

  • LocationVictoria

Posted 15 January 2013 - 04:46 PM

Definitely sounds like dehydration. I find it's more important to drink water before the game than it is during the game. I usually drink 1.5 litres about an hour or so before the game, then another .5 after the game (plus beer of course).