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#1 Gr8erade


Posted 29 December 2014 - 09:06 AM

If I called out every poster who contacts me about stuff and then left me hanging, I'd be typing all day, but Pens97 does this to me every single time I put up an ad or start selling. I suspect he does it to other people too and I'd kind of like to draw attention to this behavior, because it is irritating as hell, shows a lack of respect and courtesy, and is a big reason why I pause and think about selling here.

For example, yesterday I get PM'd in the morning about Penguins practice jerseys. I reply, tell him what's available. Seems like they're interested in Pens jerseys. But then the next PM is about the Michigan one. I reply, but then he has to think about it. I say the sale ends at the end of the day. Great, he says, I will let you know by the evening. Evening comes, I'm in the middle of boxing everyone else's stuff, so I send a message just asking if he's made up his mind and to let me know. No reply. I can see he's read the message. I can see he's browsing the forums all night. Never bothered to reply at all. Still hasn't.
Now, he's surely not the only person who did this yesterday, but he's done this every time I put something up for sale. I did manage to sell him a pair of socks once, but that was after putting up with the same behavior. He's been back and forth through my glove collection, changing his mind about what team, what brand, what size. He's done it with socks. He's even gone so far as agree to a price before just walking away. Of course it's the Internet, so a guy like me has no idea if he's walked away. "no thank you", "sorry, I've changed my mind". These would be things that would be written by someone with an ounce of respect for the other person you've just wasted the time of.

So anyway, hey, Pens97, grow up. Until you do, do not contact me for anything.

To anyone else who has engaged in this type of behavior (and yeah, I know who several of you are), knock it off. This isn't the mall. This isn't ebay. This is a community of people who like hockey gear, so treat people better. I buy and sell a lot of stuff here and I know there are many people who have stopped because putting up with this sort of BS is tiring, annoying and irritating.

#2 Max92

  • LocationCanada

Posted 29 December 2014 - 09:29 AM

samething happen to me .. waste of time ,

#3 mersss

  • LocationMontreal, CAN

Posted 29 December 2014 - 03:53 PM

Kind of the same happened to me when he bought sticks from me...


Send him lots of text because he wanted one of the sticks I was selling, haggled about 20$ discount on 2 sticks, then stress me into shipping ASAP so he ciuld get both sticks deliver to him on monday morning.


He haggled about 2-3 days for 20$, but then ask me to ship in the next 12hours! I did, but wasnt really pleased about everything cause, if he didnt haggled for 20$ on 2 sticks (so 10$ per sticks) He wouldnt have to stress me into shipping in such small timeframe

#4 Gr8erade


Posted 29 December 2014 - 04:05 PM

Even airing this here hasn't prompted a "hey sorry. I know I said I was going to get back to you but..." message. Nothing since the promise to get back to me yesterday morning. He's been on all day. He's visited my profile. He's on now. At 4:09 he viewed this topic.
Whatever. Not a problem for me anymore. He's done getting anything from me. I've probably gotten 100 PMs from him during sales. He's managed to purchase a pair of socks out of all that. And it isn't surprising to me that he's done this to other people too. A model member.... for what's wrong.

#5 bretwilhite

  • LocationPHL

Posted 29 December 2014 - 04:12 PM

His only "contribution" to the community is creating new Gear Wanted threads. 

#6 Max92

  • LocationCanada

Posted 29 December 2014 - 04:24 PM

always stressed me to ship and always low ball me on my asking price , asked me to pick him up a 9k shell last habs sale , i did and he ignored me when i told him i got one for him , headache