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#349035 glove repalming

Posted by glennmiller on 10 May 2018 - 01:22 PM in New Members

New guy from Oxford Michigan- Glenn Miller


Most of you may or may not have heard about me. My name is Glenn Miller and I have been involved in hockey repair, design, manufacture of goalie and hockey equipment for over 40 years.    I built gear for two Olympic teams, scores of pros like Belfour and even Tretiak as well as college goalies.  I retired after a 7 year stint with Vaughn USA on September 1, 2017.  Back building  some vintage gear as well as giving advice and seminars on hockey repair in general including tips on re-palming.  


The reason for this post is to answer a few questions and make myself known and available for advice.  I was recently asked who is the best re-palmer of forward gloves?

I told them that would depend on what you are looking for.   Probably the best overall is Pat up in Montreal.  His experience at Warrior on all the custom things for pros is probably unmatched.   However, he is so busy with pros, juniors, colleges, he has almost no time for the retail guy.    I have seen the work of BAHR, Charlie Locke, Jerrys' in Minnesota, Hockey Menders, Nash,  Peaches  and even the old Stadium Systems company out east that did a lot of colleges for years some time ago.  There are others out there as well whose work I have been exposed to.   I have visited the Eagle factory in Canada since it is attached to Vaughn Canada.  Saw gloves being built from scratch. 


If I had one to pick it, would be Hockey Menders and this is why.  The gloves coming out of there are the closest I have seen to a new glove coming out from the factory.  He replaces gussets, rebinds the thumb and outside of the little finger. As far as I can tell, Pat in Montreal is the only other person doing that.  It makes the glove better in appearance and the binding makes it stronger and less likely to blow out.  He apparently has a good selection of materials for palms as well.  That is always nice.  He is not cheap in price but the work speaks for itself.   You get what you pay for.   Wait times depend on the  time of year.  We were out at Vaughn on pads some times up 20 weeks!  Just my two cents if anybody is reading this.
