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There have been 1 items by hubkid (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#74830 Just joined. Hello to everybody here.

Posted by hubkid on 19 December 2012 - 06:51 PM in New Members

What is up, people. My name is Clem. Yeah, I know.. Anyway, I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I love hockey, and I have probably way too much gear for one person. Much to my girlfriend's dismay I am constantly adding to my gear. She recently has "encouraged" me to get rid of some stuff I don't use anymore. I think she is right, no sense in having something lying around that I don't use. I started to post items around here on Craigslist Boston, if you live in this area... Unfortunately it just seems like I get rid of one piece and then add another. So, anyway, hello to all. And happy holidays and all that.