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There have been 1 items by haydaybay (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#76250 Ahoy-hoy!

Posted by haydaybay on 28 December 2012 - 10:54 AM in New Members

Hey, dudes. I'm new to registering here so I just thought I'd do the proper thing and introduce myself in the New Members forum.

My name is Dave and I'm a cartoonist and hockey obsessive currently living in Santa Fe, NM (yeah, that's right.)

My favourite team since early childhood is the Habs. You see I grew up in Saskatchewan and we don't have a team there exactly so at the time, during the early nineties my friends and I sorta split on either favouring Montreal or Boston. I'm not completely sure why but I think it may have been a Roy or Neely being your favourite player thing.

Anyway, like I say I'm a hockey obsessive. I currently play rec league and try and get on the ice as many times a week as I can, usually amounts to around 2-3 times. I'm not really a gear collector as I try and use whatever I have but I spend an obscene amount of time looking at hockey gear(gear porn) online and I'm always looking for a deal. Currently most interested in finding some Blackhawks x60 pros and some pro stock CCM pants. Although I'd need a size small in the pants so I know it's not going to happen, but a guy can dream,

That's it then, I've been lurking on the site for a few weeks drooling over some seriously beauty gear and just thought I'd sign up and become a member.