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There have been 290 items by Too Old (Search limited from 11-June 23)

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#135125 Well gang... some bad news for me...

Posted by Too Old on 10 July 2013 - 12:23 PM in Off Topic

Well gang... I'm still alive. Two surgeries in Rochester along with more tests than I can endure hardly, lol. The tumor is in an area where it's not removable but will be treated. I'll be taking cancer treatments in Cedar Rapids beginning in a couple days for about 6 weeks. My biggest fear is that the tumor may slip back and grow again... not what I want with a 14 yr old daughter and a wife I love dearly. Also with the two older kids which were hers... 28 and 30. I'm here at work today for a few hours trying to wrap up some repair order work that's been slipping the last few weeks. But, the thing that will change is my lifestyle... if I can play hockey again... yep, I will. But if not then I'll devote all my time to the family. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you on here/Facebook/etc. that's been kind enough to send messages and give me your thoughts.


ps... don't hound me to sell my gear! :)  If it has to happen eventually it will, lol!


#129917 Well gang... some bad news for me...

Posted by Too Old on 21 June 2013 - 02:49 PM in Off Topic

Just wanted to share why I've been a bit vacant from here. Our hockey season was done about 5 weeks ago for the summer. When that quit I began to feel like shit and get headaches. A trip to my doctor and neuro have proven that I have a brain tumor behind my left eye near the edge of the brain. Where we live is only about 2 hours south of Rochester, MN (Mayo Clinic). I'm waiting a call hopefully by Monday from them to see what my fate holds. I've done a ton of online reading and there appears to be a chance it can be removed... but it may grow back in time. The doc told me I may have to give up hockey... ha! I told him I'd switch to goalie if it required a bit more head protection. Time will tell. As will my ability to mountain bike, road bike, and motorcycle ride. Which in itself is tough as I'm the service manager at a very busy Harley-Davidson/Yamaha dealer. This is worst for my wife who lost her first husband 26 years ago to a brain tumor. They're kids are now 30 and 28, and ours is just 14. My fear is losing everyone so that keeps me motivated. Anyhow... that's the scoop and thanks for the wishes from my pals on here and Facebook... it's been greatly appreciated.


Steve Oldani

#127005 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Too Old on 10 June 2013 - 12:51 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Thanks Baker. Got another new pair of TBL gloves to wear.    :)



#118516 The Rant Topic - What's Bugging You Today?

Posted by Too Old on 11 May 2013 - 10:52 AM in Off Topic

No hockey for a few weeks, argh. Our adult league that's an hour away is done as is our local adult league. The ice is gone here at home for a while now. At the other rinks an hour away they do a combined summer league for A thru C players and it's a bit weird from what I've been told. So, a group of us has supported and played a Friday night B/C level league the last couple years. I can't make the first season session though due to family stuff going on... but plan to play the second one which will fill the summer up for me and keep me in shape for the two leagues in the fall. Until then I'll be out road and mountain biking to stay in shape. It's not easy when you get to be my age! I'll be 53 in about a week.



#118513 Pictures Of Yourself

Posted by Too Old on 11 May 2013 - 10:43 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

And your wish is granted. Here's an older pic of my skates before I got the 735's. The Missions were boots only built like Grafs to try and lure him away to the Mission brand but it didn't happen. The boots are structurally the same but the graphics are slightly different between them. They have brand new wheels and bearings along with laces:



#118498 Pictures Of Yourself

Posted by Too Old on 11 May 2013 - 09:19 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Those tacklas are pretty sweet, like how they look with the luxe. How are you liking the skates?

Very happy with them. They're my 3rd pair of Tacklas, lol. I first got a new return pair of Avery's G3's in 9R. Then shortly after I bought a new unused pair of 703's in 8.5W from Marcello. He said they were Sharks or Ducks skates that he picked up. Now these 735's in 8.5W which I got via eBay for a great deal. I love theTackla fit with a snug ankle as all of mine have. The only issue I've had is one of the top eyelets in my 703's has come dangerously near pulling out. I just need to figure out where to have that repaired. Since the G3's and 735's use the same Cobra holders and can share my Step runners I've decided the 703's with Tuuk holders will be my public skate/beater skates. Now I just need to decide if I'll sell my custom Mission skates made for Fedorov years ago.

#118265 Pictures Of Yourself

Posted by Too Old on 10 May 2013 - 01:56 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

This was taken Monday night at our last in-town league game for the 2012-2013 season. Sporting the new Graf 735's with all the old stuff I used the rest of the season.



#118213 Cott1

Posted by Too Old on 10 May 2013 - 11:44 AM in Feedback

Ditto receiving the NHLPA jersey... mine came in today. Thank you Phil!

#118008 PSHG custom pants?

Posted by Too Old on 09 May 2013 - 02:38 PM in Hockey Gear

It was about 6-8 weeks to get mine if memory serves me. They were done perfectly per my order when I got them.

#116989 NHLPA Jerz **CAN ship pay List**

Posted by Too Old on 06 May 2013 - 10:31 PM in Other Gear - For Sale

Thanks again for all you've done.

#115936 tfer717

Posted by Too Old on 03 May 2013 - 06:18 PM in Feedback

Sold him a pair of gloves as well... smooth transaction. Thanks!

#112727 Hockey fights cancer stuff

Posted by Too Old on 24 April 2013 - 07:57 PM in Gear wanted


#112705 Looking for CCM Vector gloves..

Posted by Too Old on 24 April 2013 - 07:20 PM in Gear wanted

Cleaned up the PM's...

#112580 Hockey fights cancer stuff

Posted by Too Old on 24 April 2013 - 03:23 PM in Gear wanted

There are fakes floating around. Last I knew the eBay seller linked to in this thread was pushing fakes.

#112577 Looking for CCM Vector gloves..

Posted by Too Old on 24 April 2013 - 03:19 PM in Gear wanted

I have a pair of V08's in TBL's colors. In very nice shape. They're the ones in the upper row clear to the left:



#111533 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Too Old on 22 April 2013 - 09:39 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Well, the NHL pro Warrior pants have no Warrior name script on the upper padded area. And they all would have the NHL shield on them as well. They won't put the NHL shield or NHL team logo on custom pants either but you can have them omit the Warrior name logo. So, if it has the Warrior name and no NHL shield it's probably retail or custom.

#111228 Family Pics

Posted by Too Old on 21 April 2013 - 11:22 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Thanks for posting that picture! Now when my wife wants to bitch about how much stuff I have I can show her that.  :)

#111066 Houston AHL team moves to DSM

Posted by Too Old on 20 April 2013 - 08:33 PM in Hockey Talk

Should be interesting to have an AHL team only a couple hours away. I'll try to take in a few games next season. I'm not necessarily a Wild fan but it'll be cool to see that level of hockey close to home.

#110392 Most Protective Pants??`

Posted by Too Old on 18 April 2013 - 10:16 PM in Hockey Gear

Warrior Franchise and Tackla 5000's are great.

#107107 Recent Pick-ups

Posted by Too Old on 10 April 2013 - 11:53 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Well, I just got my TBL Franchise size M pants in. Interesting they're a 2-pc pant. My others are a 1-pc.

#106770 The "thats cool but i dont need it" on Ebay thread

Posted by Too Old on 09 April 2013 - 11:50 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Is the rangers patch just an Iron on or something to that effect? I figured it was a custom because of the W on the back. So you can get clones made? 

Not sure on shells but I know they'll make custom pants minus the team and NHL patches. 

#106756 The "thats cool but i dont need it" on Ebay thread

Posted by Too Old on 09 April 2013 - 11:04 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear



On a serious note. Whats with this shell? 

It's not a legit pro shell... it's missing the NHL patch. The Warrior version is very distinct version with a black border. I've seen a few fakes on eBay with a different NHL patch on them. A person just needs to be wary.

#105674 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Too Old on 06 April 2013 - 11:37 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

looks like the graf markets is going to get dominated for atlleast a little bit, wonder how hes BINing at a price thats way below even wholesale.






Nice! I grabbed the 735 8.5W's. I already have 703 8.5W's and G3 9.0R's. They fit snug but well and I've also borrowed 735's in 8.5W to try and they fit well too. A steal for $170 shipped. 

#105595 The "that's @#!$& ridiculous" on ebay thread

Posted by Too Old on 06 April 2013 - 12:01 AM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

A Bunch are going up. I'm thinking Customs with patches. 

Doubtful all of them are though. You can't find the NHL shield anywhere that Warrior uses on their pants. They are a unique one with the black border/etc. Never seen any other company use that same exact one. Some of the Warrior pants he's listed have the correct one on them. The Pens, Canucks and Blackhawks don't though. In his completed listings the Habs didn't have the correct one either.

#105583 FS Custom Warrior Franchise pants - Small

Posted by Too Old on 05 April 2013 - 11:26 PM in Pants - For Sale

x2 I have a 34" waist and my small Franchise customs fit. They're a snug fit but not too tight. I could wear either a small or medium in Franchise.