Goalie Leg Pad Question
Started by afrozenpond, Dec 27 2024 08:17 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 31 December 2024 - 09:59 AM
There's a lot that goes into regular sizing. Toe ties on, skate size, ankle to knee height, thigh rise, etc. If you're going to be in street shoes just messing around, just make sure your knee is centered in the knee block. Rough guess is around 33" +1 or 2 if you want more thigh rise.
Posted 31 December 2024 - 12:14 PM
There's a lot that goes into regular sizing. Toe ties on, skate size, ankle to knee height, thigh rise, etc. If you're going to be in street shoes just messing around, just make sure your knee is centered in the knee block. Rough guess is around 33" +1 or 2 if you want more thigh rise.
Thanks man. Huge help.