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Member Since 25 May 2017
Offline Last Active May 13 2021 12:33 AM

Topics I've Started

Flyers Practice Jersey 3.0 Black

17 July 2017 - 08:17 AM

56 or 58 would be great.


Warrior QR1 (Preds), CCM Tacks (Portland Pirates), Bauer APX (McGinn), Easton HSX (Panik)

03 June 2017 - 11:05 AM

Making some room for new gloves.


All prices include shipping within the US.  Payment by PayPal F&F.  More pictures available upon request.  Any questions, just ask.


Warrior QR1 (Nashville Preds) 14", navy/gold, loops have been cut / liners intact, excellent used condition (3 games): $90Sold


CCM HGTK Tacks (Portland Pirates) 14", black/red/white, loops & liners intact, like new condition (purchased from another seller, never used):  $120 Sold


Bauer APX Pro (Jamie McGinn) 14", all black, loops & liners intact, excellent used condition (2 games):  $100 Sold


Easton Synergy HSX (Richard Panik) 14", royal blue/white, loops & liners intact, like new condition (purchased from PSH, never used):  $85 Sold