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Member Since 11 Oct 2019
Offline Last Active May 29 2020 01:30 PM

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In Topic: Bauer Supreme Ultrasonic skates?

28 May 2020 - 08:39 AM

I'm mildly confused by the whole new "fit" system. Bauer used to have 3 families that came in 2 width's for a total of 6 SKU's. Now they've ditched Nexus and gone to 2 families, with 3 fits... Still 6 sku's. Furthermore, if the reason they ditched Nexus was low volume & sales, if fit 3 is meant to be the "Nexus fit" they really are still going to have the same situation, no? Most people will just end up in fit 1 or fit 2, so 4 SKU's out of 6 will take up the majority of the sales. Same as before. 


I'm sure it's being done for cost savings, but I just don't see how it's "revolutionary" like the guy from Hockey Tutorial said as he creamed his pants. The best thing it does it give people who want a Vapor look, to get a more Supreme fit and vice versa. Yeah, that's cool because now you can match your team's uniform or something but to me that's purely cosmetic. 

In Topic: Looking for shin pad advice

10 January 2020 - 10:02 AM

Not sure if you're looking brand new or what... but don't get 1s shins. I got some off SSL and I took a mild shot off them and thought my leg was broke. Nothing like my old Supreme One.80's which are tanks. They are falling apart but I'm probably switching back into them until I find something else. A friend told me the new 2s Pro is much better.

In Topic: 2019 Bauer Vapor FlyLite stick?

08 January 2020 - 02:36 PM

Are you a left shot or right shot


In Topic: 2019 Bauer Vapor FlyLite stick?

08 January 2020 - 10:43 AM

I had my team practice. The stick is light but in a bad way. The blade was quite lite and it was quite difficult to sense the puck when stickhandling as compared to my Custom stick using the 2N build. It plays a lot softer and its easy to load. I feel like its not as quick release as before tho the last Vapor I owned was the original silver 1X already. It was in different curve also. It was a very short session so I will have to test at it again in a few days time.

I used an ADV the other day and this sounds just like what I felt. Borrowed a buddy's to tool around with during warm up (87 flex) and it felt like my 75flex FT2. The blade was insanely light... I hated it. Gave it back to him after 3 minutes. Whippy feel, no puck feel when stick handling. Was really disappointed. I'm still trying to find a 1XL pro stock...

In Topic: 2019 Bauer Vapor FlyLite stick?

01 January 2020 - 10:12 PM

I keep reading so many things about flylites snapping like little twigs I'm about ready to pull the trigger on a new 4D Pro. See what I did there...??? 


I know this is a Flylite thread so I won't ramble on but I was really looking to try a low kick stick again after using my FT2 for a little while to see if I'm missing out on anything. Having trouble finding my flex and curve on 1X lites but I do have an easy time finding it on a 4D.