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San Jose Sharks Equipment Sale

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#21 uclahockey707


Posted 15 May 2014 - 05:57 AM

I should be there this year as I usually am, and I'll post all my purchases up in the for sale section for no mark up besides shipping and any tax (I can't remember if there is any).


Gloves are usually the hardest request to accomodate since there are rarely any there.

#22 Liddy019


Posted 15 May 2014 - 07:36 AM

Always looking for skates 6EE perferably apx2 or NXG's?

#23 BostonBruins

  • LocationMassachusetts

Posted 15 May 2014 - 08:24 AM

Updated mine again no goalie cut for the jersey. See my original post.

Thanks again to anyone who helps.
Always looking for BOSTON BRUINS gear!

Looking for Tampa Bay Lightning 3rd Set. Practice Jersey in Size 56, Size medium shell, 13 inch bauer/apx gloves.

#24 x-axis

  • LocationCalifornia

Posted 15 May 2014 - 08:33 AM

for mc88-

   CCM CL 500 Gloves  Size 13

   CCM Shell Small/Medium not 9k   

   Any performance apparal in small / medium

   Practice jersey preferably teal but any size 54 or 52




Thank you. I can be up there to help you with the haul. Let me know.

Old Buyer/Seller Feedback-http://www.sports2k....axis/?hl=x-axis


Want to buy:

Small Shells


Large Edge Practice Socks White with navy stripe 

Large Edge Practice Socks Burgundy with white stripe 





#25 mc88

  • LocationOregon

Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:36 AM

List has been updated and locked in. If your name isn't on the main list, you're on the wait list in case someone doesn't pay a deposit. If you're name isn't on either list then... better luck next year.


If anyone wants off the list any time between now and the 26th, let me know asap.


ONCE AGAIN, NO GUARANTEES. I'll be going through the list from top to bottom. 1st to ask --> 1st to get priority. I'm doing this as a courtesy and not for profit, so NO whining/complaining if you don't get what you want and NO whining/complaining if it's more expensive than you anticipated.

#26 spudrock512

  • LocationCentral Texas

Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:36 AM

Any one know what prices will be like for a shell and the practice jerseys?  If the prices are good I might be interested in a small or medium shell (don't care what brand) and a 54 or 56 jersey (Don't care about color).

#27 uclahockey707


Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:03 AM

There will not be small shells and the smallest pracy is a 56 (maybe only a handful, last couple years only 3-4), the majority (99%) are 58 and 58+

#28 mc88

  • LocationOregon

Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:29 AM

Here's the break down of priority on the Sharks sale (each will have their own time slot/day):


            o   Ownership

o   Full-time Employees

o   Corporate Partners

o   Suite Owners

o   Part-time Employees (I'll be here in pecking order)

o   Police/Fire

o   FULL Season Ticket Holders

o   Shark Pak Holders

o   Group Leaders

            o   General Public

#29 uclahockey707


Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:33 AM

Yeah, part-time employees usually get a nice selection of stuff. Generally they walk away with some great gloves and whatnot.


STH will get nearly nothing to choose from.

#30 maverick72


Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:34 AM

Thanks for doing this... i can't imagine somebody whining about you giving your time for this community.... i just can't.


Thanks again.  Hope for full of pro stock for everybody :D

#31 theruz23

  • LocationCT

Posted 15 May 2014 - 11:32 AM

if anyone who goes and can help me out PM me 

#32 louie

  • LocationPittsburgh

Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:23 PM

CCM 9K Shell, Medium or Large, will pay finders fee

Alternate Socks, Large or XL

#33 rbark11

  • LocationBay Area, CA

Posted 16 May 2014 - 04:41 PM

i plan on going, but i only have access to the general public sale. everything is pretty much cleaned out by then

#34 Liddy019


Posted 16 May 2014 - 05:02 PM

Thanx mc88 ill be checking :-)

#35 Beavercaaat

  • LocationSan Franisco Bay Area, California

Posted 17 May 2014 - 03:20 PM

Here's some pics from last years sale...

#36 Beavercaaat

  • LocationSan Franisco Bay Area, California

Posted 17 May 2014 - 03:23 PM

I went on employee day, lots of stuff but mostly protectives, skates, socks, laundry bags and lefty twigs.... One thing I've learned from these sharks sales is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. You never know what's going to be available and if you want specific items you better be 1st person there or really lucky...

#37 skleiner1

  • LocationToronto, Ontario

Posted 19 May 2014 - 02:31 PM

I just need an Anderson name bar...

Instagram - Sports2K
- skleiner
Twitter - @Sports2K
- @skleiner1

#38 mc88

  • LocationOregon

Posted 19 May 2014 - 03:12 PM

I just need an Anderson name bar...


Consider it done (if one is there)

#39 skleiner1

  • LocationToronto, Ontario

Posted 19 May 2014 - 04:21 PM

Why thank you!

Instagram - Sports2K
- skleiner
Twitter - @Sports2K
- @skleiner1

#40 thinkingjack

  • LocationTempe, AZ

Posted 19 May 2014 - 06:48 PM


If anyone wants something, let me know. I'll try and see if I can pick it up. No guarantees though.

  • On Monday the 26th, I'll ask for a refundable $100** deposit via Paypal. Meaning, if I don't find a single thing that you want, your money will be refunded in full.
  • You pay price tag + tax + cost of shipping.
  • The $100** deposit will be deducted from what you'll owe me. If the item is under $100**, the left over will be refunded.
  • **Any high-ticket items, like: Game worn jerseys, gloves, sticks, or skates will require at least a $200 deposit.


I'll keep track of it from this list (limited to 8 spots--1st ask, 1st priority):

  1. (1) Practice WHT RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz. 56/58 (Special Notes: No Goalie Cut), (1) Practice Socks BLK/WHT - Sz. L and  (1) Shell - Sz. M //// BostonBruins
  2. (2) Practice Socks BLK/WHT Stripe or WHT/BLK Stripe - Sz. L  //// Urgy#10
  3. (1) Practice Socks All BLK - Sz. L, (1) Thirds Practice Socks (BLK/TEAL/DBL WHT Stripes) - Sz. L, and (1) Practice WHT RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz. 54 //// twitchx116
  4. (1) Practice Any Color RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz. 58 (Special Notes: No Goalie Cut) //// jbxtr
  5. (1) Orange Sharks Bag //// Nightcast
  6. (1) Warrior Luxe/Covert 13N" or 14N" Gloves and (1) Practice Red RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz. 54/56 //// NjStarsHockey
  7. (1) Warrior Raffi Torrres Gloves //// Cao
  8. (1) CCM CL 14" Gloves, (1) Easton Epro 13"/13.5" Gloves and (1) Practice BLK or WHT RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz.58 (Special Notes: No Goalie Cut) //// maverick72


Wait listed--if the above don't send a deposit or want off the list, the below will take their place (limited to 2 spots--1st ask, 1st priority):

  1. (1) Bauer APX2 or NXG Skates - Sz. 6EE /// Liddy019
  2. (1) CCM CL 500 13" Gloves, (1) CCM Shell - Sz. S/M (Special notes: Not RBK 9K), Any Performance Apparrel - Sz. S/M, and (1) Practice Teal RBK Edge 3.0 Jersey - Sz.52/54 //// x-axis


This, is the smartest fucking post on earth, i like this.


I should start doing this for when i do the kings sales because i'm owed so much money on sales i've done and have seen dick for payment on emphasis of "i'll pay you back since we're buds"

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