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Member Since 06 May 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 12:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: San Jose Sharks Equipment Sale

20 May 2024 - 12:21 AM

Many teams do it. It's just not really discussed. I know it's happened a few times I've gone to Kings, Condors, Reign, and Gulls sales. Sharks have done it a number of times. They vary entry order almost every few years.

In Topic: San Jose Sharks Equipment Sale

19 May 2024 - 03:52 PM

It's because employees went in the day before. I'm sure there will be a decent amount for resale.

In Topic: CCM Jetspeed vs Bauer ACP Pro Girdle

22 April 2024 - 08:41 AM

I'm also a skates-on first guy.  It just helps to get a snugger fit on my skates. I put my skate guards on when putting on some girdles. 


The Bauer ACP pro runs hot and lacks breathability the 3 or 4 times I've used it. It is considerably lighter. I believe the only difference with the tacks and jetspeed girdles are tailbone pad adjustability and kidney guard padding. 

Padding-wise Bauer ACP feels as minimal as possible in a good way. The Jetspeed feels like a weight and mobility compromise from pants and a heavy girdle such as the 9k or Sherwood. 

In Topic: How many stick you own?

12 April 2024 - 08:44 PM


16 ADV's (20 at one point)

10 Agents

2 or 3 hyperlite's floating around somewhere. 


all P92 87 RH


tried different patterns and flexes but realized that these are the only ones for me. 


I used to make fun of those guys on these forums that hoard sticks. Now I am one of them, how the tables have turned. 

You know it's bad when I don't think these numbers are unreasonable.

In Topic: Bedard Sher-Wood Rekker legend pro PSH

18 March 2024 - 09:08 AM

Still looking if anyone has extra ones

what is the pattern like? how modified from a p92?