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Member Since 05 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active May 18 2024 10:31 AM

Topics I've Started


07 May 2024 - 09:11 PM


Retro Mighty Ducks - Contest

07 May 2024 - 09:11 PM

Liquidating a bunch of gloves as you can see from my earlier post and thought it would be fun to do a contest for the retro might ducks gloves. I’m looking for $550 for them, so was thinking 11 people at $50 each. The way it would work would be as follows. I’d pick an NHL playoff game and the 11 participants would pick the timing of the first goal of the game, in other words, how long into the game would be the first goal (e.g. 0:00 - 60:00). Closest one would win the gloves for $50+sh.

If you are interested, email me (rricciardi@gravic.com) and I will compile a list of participants (and update this thread). If/when we have 11, I will collect the money. Once the money is collected, I will update the thread with the selected game and begin gathering guesses (and tiebreakers). I will update my post so everything is public.

So…if interested, email me.

1. zmgreen88
2. jagrnaut


Closest without going over
Pick which team scores the goal (provided at time of entry)
Is it a F or a D (provided at time of entry)
PPG, SHG, ESG, or ENG (provided at time of entry)
RH or LH (provided at time of entry)


03 May 2024 - 10:25 PM

I have 100+ pair of Warrior gloves and It has come time to start moving some of them out to help facilitate my pool loan repayment process. Now a couple of notes, not everything you see will be available for sale, at least not now. Also, due to the size of the collection, I did not explicitly price everything out. So if you see something you like, please reach out and make an offer. I’ve been extremely busy, so don’t have much time to think through pricing of everything. If you reach out and the pair is available, make an offer and if it works for me, they’re yours!

I made a recording of my glove photo album, so you may need to pause, rewind, etc. Thanks guys, hopefully we can work out a deal.


Warrior Glove Collection Liquidation

03 May 2024 - 10:25 PM

I have 100+ pair of Warrior gloves and It has come time to start moving some of them out to help facilitate my pool loan repayment process.



  • 75% of them or more are new
  • Most are 13” with a couple of 14” sprinkled in
  • I dropped a ton of money with CPR, so some pair may be more expensive
  • Not everything you see will be available for sale, at least not now (so still let me know if you are interested and I will keep tabs)
  • Due to the size of the collection, I did not explicitly price everything out. So if you see something you like, please reach out (rricciardi@gravic.com) and make an offer. I’ve been extremely busy, so don’t have much time to think through pricing of everything. If you reach out and the pair is available, make an offer and if it works for me, they’re yours! I am getting a ton of interest, so it's first come first serve.

I made a recording of my glove photo album, so you may need to pause, rewind, etc. Thanks guys, hopefully we can work out a deal.


Warroad’s TILO Pro Padloc Neck & Wrist Top

26 April 2024 - 10:19 PM

Have a new one if anyone is interested. $175+sh