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There have been 62 items by gator (Search limited from 10-June 23)

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#113211 Cigarette smoke smell Question

Posted by gator on 25 April 2013 - 10:28 PM in Hockey Gear

try atmosklear or zorbx, if you can't get those then try odoban.

#120448 AX1 vs CL elbows?

Posted by gator on 17 May 2013 - 06:03 PM in Hockey Gear

i've been using the ax1's for about 2 weeks now, they are more mobile than the 11k's i had before and feel similar in weight. the ax1 does seem to be higher quality than the 11k's and i'm hoping the anti-odor liner helps regulate the stench. i also have old rbk/jofa elbows and would say that ax1 do indeed fit similar. haven't used the cl elbows so can't comment, but i did consider them previously.

#120664 Black Edge Blades

Posted by gator on 18 May 2013 - 05:55 PM in Hockey Gear

does anyone know if blackedge has the extra height like step? or is it the same height as regular bauer steel

#124953 Anyone using the latest and greatest protective?

Posted by gator on 02 June 2013 - 06:28 PM in Hockey Gear

So, I tried on quite a few pairs of elbows yesterday, and I ended up with a pair that I wasn't even expecting.  I tried Reebok 20K, 18K, last years 11K and 9K, along with with the Warrior AX1.  Out of all those, I ended up with the Reebok 9K.


How? Well, it really was between the 9K and the AX1.  


The 20K was really disappointing for me.  It wasn't comfortable, the bicep guard was poorly designed and didn't fit well (it didn't really go around the bicep, it was poorly attached to the main body and didn't move well), the securing strap (the middle strap) could barely reach the velcro, not enough for it to even secure properly, while the forearm lock strap was too long (made no sense). I thought I might have had a dud, but tried more than one pair/size with the same result. This was the pad I was most excited to try, and most let down by.


The 18K actually fit better than the 20K, but struck me as cheaply constructed.


I can't speak too much of last years 11K as they didn't have any in my size.  I tried a size smaller but it was just not doable....


The AX1.  I must say, is very impressive.  Excellent quality in construction, great protection, comfortable, mobile, secure with no slipping.  The only thing I didn't like was the strap on the bicep guard was way too big.  They must assume we all have Chris Neil biceps, as they were still incredibly loose even fully tightened (and I'm not a linky guy).  If I had bought the AX1, I would have had to alter the straps to make them work.


The 9K isn't as good as the AX1, but it's not too far off.  Protection wise, it's just a tad less protective, yet still offered great coverage (much better than my old elbows, NikeBauer Vapor XXVs).  It was equally mobile, comfortable, and had no slippage.  I feel the 9K is pretty well constructed, better than Reebok's current line. They remind me a lot of the 10K I still see some NHL'rs wear, albeit black.  


So why the 9K?  Ultimately it came down to the difference of price outweighing the differences in the pad.  I got the 9K on clearance for $50, where the AX1 was $90.  If they were the same price, or even if the 9K was 10-15 bucks less, I would have grabbed the AX1's...but with a $40 difference, I feel I'm getting a hell of an elbow pad for the price.  The AX1 is a better pad, no doubt, and If the 9K doesn't hold up, I won't hesitate to get the AX1.  I'll know for sure tomorrow night as it will be the first time I've played in them.


Hope this helps!


I used to have 11k elbows and replaced them with AX1's about 3-4 weeks ago. I agree with everything that has been said about the AX1's, they are very well made with what seem to be high quality materials, protective, and comfortable. A bit bulky, but I'm guessing anyone who is looking at a top line pad is looking for max protection won't mind this. I did not consider Reebok again because as soon as I saw the strapping system on the 20k's I knew I would have the same issues/annoyances as I did with the 11k's. 


Warrior designed their bicep guards to fit loose by design. It's so that the bicep guards on their shoulder pads can slide into the bicep guards on the elbow pads - this leaves no gap in protection, but the pads don't interfere with each other. I have the Warrior Projekt pads and they're also like this - I actually find the loose bicep guard to be quite comfortable - it's one of the reasons I went with the Projekts over the CCM CLs (they have a tight bicep guard) last year when I picked up new elbow pads.


Thanks for posting your thoughts on the RBK pads as well as the AX1. No one has the AX1's in stock around me yet. I can't wait to try them and see how they compare to my 2012 Projekts.


I like the loose biceps as well, it does feel less restrictive and once you use them, it seems a lot more logical. The regular/tight bicep straps on my 11k's used to come loose during games often, has not happened at all with the AX1's. I'm not sure what the Projekt pads were like, but the AX1's are very similar to Rbk/Jofa 8k Pros, which I also have. 

#125105 Anyone using the latest and greatest protective?

Posted by gator on 03 June 2013 - 12:31 AM in Hockey Gear

How does the sizing run on the ax1 elbows?


For me the AX1 fit the same as my Reeboks.


This topic is really making me want to try the AX1's. I've tried on the CL's and the projekts, I like the white version more then the grey/blue but I decided to hold off till I can try on the AX1's. I'm really leaning towards the CL's so far


U+CL was the other elbow I was considering too. I like the light weight of the CL gear (I have the shoulders), but the AX1's elbow cup + strapping system worked better for me and overall everything feels high quality. Also have to say, the new anti-odor liner on the AX1 is nice to have, I'm all for anything that can help control gear odor.  

#125225 tyson_two

Posted by gator on 03 June 2013 - 01:51 PM in Feedback

apologies, this feedback is a bit late... sold a pair of hawks pants to tyson_two, very easy to work with, would not hesitate to recommend, A+++

#125307 WTB: Warrior DT1 PS sticks

Posted by gator on 03 June 2013 - 06:05 PM in Gear wanted

Looking to buy right handed Warrior pro stock DT1's, open to most patterns except extreme heel curves, flex 80-100, preferably new. Let me know if you have any that you're looking to sell. Thanks.  

#127029 Sharks 2013 Equipment Sale

Posted by gator on 10 June 2013 - 03:05 PM in Pro Equipment Sales

anyone know if they check like picture id's on season ticket holder day? or can you get in as long as you have the season ticket holder card?

#132434 CCM CL vs X60 skates

Posted by gator on 29 June 2013 - 03:24 PM in Hockey Gear

I've had CL's and Vapors before. Was a 7D in CL and 7EE in Vapors. The Vapors are going to be wider, have more instep volume, and a wider heel also. You may want to try to rebake the CL's or maybe even have them stretched a bit for width if it's just a little bit tight. 

#132436 CCM CL vs X60 skates

Posted by gator on 29 June 2013 - 03:27 PM in Hockey Gear

I always thought it was vapor- narrowest, nexus- middle then supreme- widest. .


Vapor is built on a true last, D = D, EE = EE. Supreme is built on oversized last, D = E, EE = EEE.

Nexus is built on an even bigger last, D = EE, EE = EEEE (I think).

The three lines all have different shapes as well.


I don't know why they make it so confusing, but I believe this is correct.

#133196 pro stock bauer one95 pant users CHIME IN

Posted by gator on 02 July 2013 - 04:49 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

the 2 front pad pieces up by the crotch area in these pants always bunch up on me...


ive considered cutting them right out/ trimming them so they dont get so caught up/pushed around..


has anyone else done this? or am i just cray cray






i think i know what you are referring to, the odd shaped pads to the sides of the lacing? these bunch up/move around for me as well. i havent cut them, but the padding is so weak on these pads i wonder if it really has any benefit.

#142420 FS NEW Coyotes Warrior Third Shell Large

Posted by gator on 09 August 2013 - 12:33 PM in Pants - For Sale

Check your PM.