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There have been 17 items by Mikepell33 (Search limited from 09-June 23)

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#236255 Very cool video by Gatorade and a few NHL Stars "Sledge Hockey"

Posted by Mikepell33 on 07 January 2015 - 03:20 PM in Hockey Talk

My brother in law was on that sledge team a couple years ago before getting moved down to their 'B' team. But all of his buddies are on that team and said it was the best experience of their lives.

#190005 The "thats cool but i dont need it" on Ebay thread

Posted by Mikepell33 on 18 April 2014 - 04:41 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Don Cherry sent the demand right up the other night for slash guards

I was thinking the exact same thing during coaches corner the other night. Laughing to myself at the possibility of these things going for even more than they do now.

#187738 Strombolopoulos to host HNIC

Posted by Mikepell33 on 01 April 2014 - 11:56 PM in Hockey Talk

Btw, hit the enter key once in a while, don't worry about the Tab key, paragraphs a tad easier to read.

Sorry bud, you're right. Just got caught up rambling on.

This is a topic about strombo and this is a forum, People are allowed to make replies to the topic as long as their replies are not wildly outrageous or make it look like you should be in a straight jacket in an asylum.

I understand what the purpose of a forum is. However, I was simply stating, that you have had 6 posts in 2 pages, all of which a different way of saying you hate Strombo. Maybe the rest of us get the idea that you obviously dislike this guy quite a bit and have some strange need to shout that from the rooftops. I was just suggesting that maybe you take a break, let other people have their opinions heard, and refrain from commenting every other post with the same blabber. But if you really hate the guy that bad and need to vent, have at it man!

I did like Jay and Dan but their act was wearing a bit thin. Their comedic approach to SportsCentre added a little change of pace to the highlight package but I wouldn't want that kind of cheesy humour in a night long hockey broadcast. I don't think that's what HNIC was looking for either. Much like in Ron MacLean, they were looking for more of a host and a story teller. Someone that can direct the conversation where it's suppose to be and someone that can connect us to the game through interviews and special features.

Maybe Rick Mercer would have been a good choice, although I'm unsure of his hockey knowledge. And based on his resume I doubt that sports, or hockey specifically, is his specialty. You have to give credit to Strombo and the fact that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to hockey. He has had his own sports talk radio show and has had history of hosting specials for CBC or HNIC. Off the top of my head I can't think of too many other Canadians that would be suited for this job as far as a knowledge base of hockey and a name we all recognize. I'm curious to know, who you would choose if the decision was up to you?

#187543 Strombolopoulos to host HNIC

Posted by Mikepell33 on 31 March 2014 - 04:46 PM in Hockey Talk

@ Mapleleafs, dude I think you need to tone down the Strombo hate, we get it, you clearly don't like the dude. But HNIC has been in desperate need of change for far too long. Their product has been bland and stuck in the past for at least the last 10 years. TSN and their hockey production was above and beyond what CBC kept rolling out there. We all love Ron MacLean and his endless list of puns, and they have some good hockey people working with them. However there is nothing more than typical boring hockey clichés. Say what you will about Strombo, but the guy knows how to get things out of people in interviews. I doubt we will hear "give 100%" or "get pucks in deep" whenever he does an interview with players. Who knows, maybe he will even challenge the BS that comes out of PJ Stock every Saturday. And you have to give the guy credit, he knows his hockey!! Just because his current role isn't sports centric doesn't mean he doesn't live and breathe the sport. There are also a lot of Leaf fans out there that think Strombo will make it into Habs night in Canada. Despite my dream that this would be the case, I can guarentee that he will show no bias to the Habs during his HNIC broadcasts. I think a lot of people will be surprised and impressed with his approach to this role. And no fear, they will still parade Don Cherry out in the 1st intermission to rant and rave to the uninformed and geriatric who still believe his views are anything but ridiculous.

#199931 Pens 2008 WC socks

Posted by Mikepell33 on 07 June 2014 - 11:30 AM in Gear wanted

Still looking

#198380 Pens 2008 WC socks

Posted by Mikepell33 on 31 May 2014 - 03:43 PM in Gear wanted

Hey guys, I'm looking to find a pair of these socks, baby blue with the white stripe. Any size is find, and hopefully a pair in half decent condition. Thanks for the help.

#194625 Montreal vs Boston: Round 2 EAST

Posted by Mikepell33 on 12 May 2014 - 12:19 PM in Hockey Talk

If they don't sign Vanek they need somebody that will fill the scoring part of the job.  Who will that be?

Pacioretty had 39 this year. He could be that guy. Mind you a couple playoff goals would be nice haha. Even nicer if he could get them in the next couple games.

#195137 Montreal vs Boston: Round 2 EAST

Posted by Mikepell33 on 15 May 2014 - 11:25 AM in Hockey Talk

The calls were bad in game 7, the rest of the series and the whole playoffs!! I would never argue that the Habs got some favourable calls last night, but You have to admit that the Bruins got one or two as well. And as for the Boychuck call, that's a penalty all day. Sure you don't want to make calls with 4 min left in game 7 but there was no need to get the stick up in the face and commit blatant interference. I think that was a terrible decision by Boychuck with your season on the line.

As for Lucic, what a disgrace! No wonder everyone in his own home town hates the guy. Just go in the dressing room and cry, don't spoil the best tradition in sports. Everything he does is classless.

#224682 Montreal Canadiens equipment sale

Posted by Mikepell33 on 17 October 2014 - 11:03 PM in Pro Equipment Sales

Just dont go to bed! Id get there for 8am sharp if you wanted to be one of the first in.

Thanks! And there is a good chance it may turn into an all nighter.

#224652 Montreal Canadiens equipment sale

Posted by Mikepell33 on 17 October 2014 - 07:46 PM in Pro Equipment Sales

Finally works out that I'll be in town for a Habs sale. What time does the line usually start to form? I have a feeling it will be tough to get up for after a night out in Montreal.

#188152 Do you match?

Posted by Mikepell33 on 05 April 2014 - 03:10 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

Those are awesome!! Remparts jerseys? If so that's what my team is doing for our second set to go with the Hawks WC ones we have now. Where did you come up with those socks?

#247217 CCM TACK / RIBCOR / MX3 LH/RH 75-95 flex

Posted by Mikepell33 on 22 March 2015 - 01:55 PM in Sticks - For Sale

Sent ya a PM

#239225 Brendan Gallagher Sticks

Posted by Mikepell33 on 22 January 2015 - 11:22 PM in Gear wanted

The title pretty much sums up what I'm looking for. Any Brendan Gallagher pro sticks. Either Bauer or Warrior is fine. Let me know if anyone can help.


#239237 Brendan Gallagher Sticks

Posted by Mikepell33 on 23 January 2015 - 12:25 AM in Gear wanted

Thanks Max! I just broke a Gally NXG, that's why Im looking for another one. Great specs for me.

#240469 Brendan Gallagher Sticks

Posted by Mikepell33 on 31 January 2015 - 11:08 AM in Gear wanted

Still looking... Anyone?


Posted by Mikepell33 on 31 March 2014 - 09:52 PM in Jerseys, Socks & Apparel - For Sale

Are the Rockford Icehog 3rds white or cream coloured?

#238138 2023-2024 Pro Stock Sightings

Posted by Mikepell33 on 17 January 2015 - 02:59 PM in Pro Stock Hockey Gear

I have a half cage. only ever used it for messing around between periods when I was scorekeeping. went to a tourney in Brampton once and ALL the refs  had the half cages.

Ha! That's funny you mention that. I'm from Brampton and it sure does seem like there are A LOT of refs with those hideous things. One in particular is a pretty well know ref at every level in the city.