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#101 Dmitrakov

  • LocationMassachusetts

Posted 25 October 2024 - 12:42 PM

I’m probably the worst person to ask this question to, but how quickly I could load and get off a shot with the 1x lite or the rib core trigger 6 pros I’m using now is not as good with the low kick red lines. My two main twigs is a redline and a TP6 and I alternate them most games. I like how the red line shoots but not as much as the trigger which I feel is closer to the 1x lites I used to use


The redline is not a bad stick, it is a pretty good value for the price. How PRO got Ovechkin to use one in the NHL (still using one) is beyond me considering what they are 

#102 Golden Gate Sharpening

Golden Gate Sharpening
  • LocationNorthern California

Posted 25 October 2024 - 03:32 PM

In my opinion, the sticks I own are closest to:


Red Line low kick - Easton Stealth series (S19/RS/CX)

Red Line mid kick - CCM Ultra Tacks

G63XL mid kick - Bauer Supreme series (NXG/MX3/1S)

G63XL low kicks are coming soon, so I'll get a chance to try those sometime next month. 


Your results may vary. 

"What is your lowest/best price?" is NOT an offer. 

#103 Mdwsta4


Posted 25 October 2024 - 06:56 PM

The redline is not a bad stick, it is a pretty good value for the price. How PRO got Ovechkin to use one in the NHL (still using one) is beyond me considering what they are

Didn’t say it was and completely agree. Like I said, I have a few of them and use them along with a T6P

#104 Dmitrakov

  • LocationMassachusetts

Posted 26 October 2024 - 08:01 AM

Didn’t say it was and completely agree. Like I said, I have a few of them and use them along with a T6P


Yeah I have a few as well, but I always find myself going back to my pro stock agents. I love the release on them

#105 Hills

  • LocationNiagara Ontario

Posted 28 October 2024 - 11:53 AM

I think the G63, G63XL are a just a bit blade heavier and the blade feel is a tad different on dans build. The PRO sticks are marketed to be the Bauer G3, Easton synergy build, etc. but let's be honest they don't have the same amount of R&D/engineering. PRO slaps whatever carbon fiber weaves together to LOOK like these builds but at the end of the day they are just blanks from a factory with all of the same tapers. Just my two cents from my experience with them


Weird how they have no R&D at all and yet look at was used for the hardest shot in the NHL

#106 Dmitrakov

  • LocationMassachusetts

Posted 28 October 2024 - 02:47 PM

Weird how they have no R&D at all and yet look at was used for the hardest shot in the NHL


What do you mean by that? 

#107 Hills

  • LocationNiagara Ontario

Posted 29 October 2024 - 08:50 AM

What do you mean by that? 


You're the expert in the R&D and how the sticks are just blanks from a factory so you tell me.

#108 twistoffate19

  • LocationOntario, Canada

Posted 29 October 2024 - 12:11 PM

I've tried all builds available, red line, red line extra light, model E, G63, G63XL, and dans build (My favorite). I would say the red line mid kick feels similar to the 1N, but not the same. The 1N's release is a very easy loading stick compared to a red line mid kick. I would equate it to the Total One but the shaft dimensions are just off putting to me on the PRO sticks. No matter what dimension I get, square, rounded square, they all feel so boxy other than the super round which feels like you're playing with a thin intermediate shaft. They aren't concave as what Bauer offers either. I would say the low kick red line is closest to a Vapor 1X Lite. The customization and price are nice, but the products performance is not competing with top of the line twigs (but they don't claim to be so whatever). The intermediate sticks are indeed the same dimensions as the seniors. 

As the Dan of Dan's Build, thanks for liking my build lol.  For the other's talking about builds and what they shoot like, I can really only speak to what I was hoping to do with mine, but for my build, I really do feel like it shoots like the old Bauer G3 build which was one of my favourites. The blade is the standard redline as I prefer a stiffer and livelier blade than the G3 clone blade that PRO does.  My goal was power of the G3 with a modern weight and blade feel and I am super happy with how it turned out.  Currently using my build with a Thompson Pro and loving it.

Items for Sale Picture Album Found Here: http://imgur.com/a/JufvE


Always on the hunt for Doughty sticks

#109 Golden Gate Sharpening

Golden Gate Sharpening
  • LocationNorthern California

Posted 13 December 2024 - 07:27 PM

My G63XL's seem to be losing pop faster than my Red Lines. YMMV. I ordered some Red Line 350g's and will try Dan's build next. 

"What is your lowest/best price?" is NOT an offer. 

#110 AmeriCanadian

  • LocationMO

Posted 25 January 2025 - 04:55 PM

Does Gepetto do custom curves if you send him the curve for the mold/pay for the mold? The old Oshie pro was my favorite curve of all time and I would seriously have to consider that if it were the case.

#111 Half

  • LocationPortland, OR

Posted 25 January 2025 - 05:43 PM

Does Gepetto do custom curves if you send him the curve for the mold/pay for the mold? The old Oshie pro was my favorite curve of all time and I would seriously have to consider that if it were the case.

 from the FAQ:

Can I make a custom curve?

Yes! It's just ridiculously expensive for the average player and only really worth it for you if you want 12+ sticks (you can spread the cost out over a larger quantity of sticks). To inquire about developing a custom curve please get in touch with us through our contact form.

#112 AmeriCanadian

  • LocationMO

Posted 03 February 2025 - 02:59 PM

Next question lol… anyone tried out any of the new VF, VS, VX series sticks from pro and/or know if those models will be coming to the customized anytime soon? Like to see the progression and would love to know how they compare to the redline!

#113 Mdwsta4


Posted 03 February 2025 - 03:55 PM

I thought geppetto stated the new sticks would not be on the configurator which would be a major bummer.

I want to try the new low kick and hybrid, but I’d prefer different grip and possibly shaft shapes (not sure if that’s even possible with the updated low kick)

#114 flip12

  • LocationCopenhagen, Denmark

Posted 04 February 2025 - 05:13 PM

I thought geppetto stated the new sticks would not be on the configurator which would be a major bummer.

I want to try the new low kick and hybrid, but I’d prefer different grip and possibly shaft shapes (not sure if that’s even possible with the updated low kick)


The shaft shape and kick profile difference continues to be a puzzling to me. The G63 for instance is odd. It's supposed to feel like G3, but when you go over to shaft shapes it only offers low or mid kick. From what I've read about G3, it's more like the variable flex or low-and-high kick. If you want a stick like that but only can order it in mid or low kick that seems to be missing one of its main characteristics. The same for Model E. If you order it in Square, which is supposed to be close to original Easton shaft specs, debatable, it only comes in mid kick. But Synergy was originally a low kick stick--T-Flex fused in the factor with a short tenon blade. Unless the idea is to replicate the performance of an UltraLite with a composite blade, it doesn't make any sense. Then there's the "Model E Kevlar" texture that has nothing in common with the bumpy Kevlar texture it's supposed to.

It's hard to deny the value offer of Praux's sticks, but for a stick nerd, the details don't add up.

#115 Dmitrakov

  • LocationMassachusetts

Posted Yesterday, 09:42 AM

The shaft shape and kick profile difference continues to be a puzzling to me. The G63 for instance is odd. It's supposed to feel like G3, but when you go over to shaft shapes it only offers low or mid kick. From what I've read about G3, it's more like the variable flex or low-and-high kick. If you want a stick like that but only can order it in mid or low kick that seems to be missing one of its main characteristics. The same for Model E. If you order it in Square, which is supposed to be close to original Easton shaft specs, debatable, it only comes in mid kick. But Synergy was originally a low kick stick--T-Flex fused in the factor with a short tenon blade. Unless the idea is to replicate the performance of an UltraLite with a composite blade, it doesn't make any sense. Then there's the "Model E Kevlar" texture that has nothing in common with the bumpy Kevlar texture it's supposed to.

It's hard to deny the value offer of Praux's sticks, but for a stick nerd, the details don't add up.


I completely agree. Theres no "holding the flex better" from the G63's either, all of those PRO sticks whip out pretty rapidly in my experience. Not to mention a real G3 build is a fused stick as well, the G63 is from a one piece mold with the thin taper they don't really compare

#116 flip12

  • LocationCopenhagen, Denmark

Posted Yesterday, 12:43 PM

I completely agree. Theres no "holding the flex better" from the G63's either, all of those PRO sticks whip out pretty rapidly in my experience. Not to mention a real G3 build is a fused stick as well, the G63 is from a one piece mold with the thin taper they don't really compare

Good points. I’d like your post if the button was there.